Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Where have we gone wrong with Employee Engagement?

True employee engagement is achieved when employees know what is important to them, a new innovative approach which somewhat turns current thinking on its head through a self-leadership philosophy now known as "self-driven employee engagement".

In search of this elusive ‘engagement', many companies have mistakenly indulged in a range of employee benefits that act merely as a ‘band-aid' to the symptoms of disengagement rather than address the core drivers behind what really engages individuals. Many employee engagement solutions have offered an ineffective mixture of employee benefits and commonly creating an ‘entitlement' or ‘whinge' culture.

The ‘Inside Out Approach'
Psychologically most people know what they don't want. However, few really know what they do want. If employees don't know what truly engages them in work and life, it is virtually impossible to sustainably engage them. The key is helping employees take responsibility for driving their own engagement (self-driven employee engagement) by getting clarity around what they want both inside and outside of work.

Almost everyone wants more control over their lives. Self-leadership is the philosophy of putting individuals back in control by giving them the thinking, tools and personal responsibility to get clear on what they want in work, life and personal finances.

By providing the tools, environment and solutions by which employees can get greater clarity around what they want, what motivates them and what is important to them, both inside and outside of work, organisations can create a sustainable win-win culture, thereby building a workforce that is engaged, productive and performing to its highest potential.